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very good game to play during school! one complaint that i have though, and i dont know if its the game or my computer or my browser, is how when i switch tabs while running the game and then return to the game after a while, the tab is refreshed.

Thank you for playing! I'm not anyone to tell you what to do at school, but please don't neglect your studies!

I haven't noticed the tab refresh issue before. Maybe it's specific to your PC? Have you seen it happen in a different computer?

Thank you for the concern, but I am not neglecting my studies! I perform very well in school :) I do believe its an issue related to my PC, as I did not have any issues when playing the game on my personal computer. Lovely game, watching it develop from a small little hololive fangame to a well though out game with multiple game mechanics makes me incredibly happy!


OMG, Mr. Wu Patch V4 is AMAZING Thank you for your good work! :D


I'm glad you like it. :)

I'll start work on V5 sometime soon (after I take a short break). :D

Take your your time :D


I return with a new PB! Please beat this Kaela so I have an excuse to strive for greater heights.

(1 edit)

I love this game, and I want to thank you for making it. However, I think this game is too easy. On my second run, I reached ~18,000m, and I started to get bored at around 10,000m. I would prefer multiple runs of ~3,000m instead. Also, divorce papers and rebirth are overpowered.

If you like short runs, then Baeless mode is for you. See how far you can go in the time limit. A relatively "good" score is around 5Km. The best of the best go past 8Km.

Also, 18Km in Standard mode is not really a high score in V4. The beach makes it so much easier to consistently reach 15Km+ compared to V3. Try aiming for 40Km+.

You can also raise the difficulty level for yourself by setting the speed multiplier to 1.37x or 1.69x (when you unlock it at 30Km). I'm sure you'll notice how much harder it is to avoid hitting Bae.

Thank you for your feedback and I'm glad you're enjoying my game. :)

(1 edit)

aha! you did it! the bae boost is here and very fitting! also probaby better than what i saw in that game a random chance that bae DOESN'T stop but give you a chance to yeet if you click is a bit dumb.

question is... is that boost boosted by kiara?

also i had a weird a achievement popped up and never went away so i had to restart. dont have a screenshot though

Yes, Phoenix Fire's additional 50% strength applies to Bae's boost.

Hmm... achievement stuck on screen? First time I hear of this.

the only thing that stood out that might have caused is it that i got MANY achievements in a row

(3 edits)

I think this is a (minor) bug: I didn't get the "MORE POWEER!" achievement when I got one fused power up in each zone. I needed to get two fused power ups in the 'normal' forest zone to get the achievement.

Edit: Also, not sure if this is a bug or just undocumented in the Yeeting Gym, but the downboost charge seems to be increasing (albeit slowly) when IRyS is above 150m?


Correct. "More Power" only unlocks with 2 fusions in the same zone. I just didn't specify in the description because it would be too long.

Correct. There's a slow recharge of downboost when flying above 150m. Since the player can't do anything while up there, at least this will help get the next downboost ready faster.

Found a bug

I've bought Bonk Potion recipe, but it still shows as locked in laboratory, and I can't buy it again. Closing and reopening the game doesn't help.

Both Spicy Potion and Rat Repellent work as intended (I have no money to check the rest).

Thank you for the report! I'll look into it ASAP

how ba-ba-ba-ba-bad can i be.

Apologize for the unsolicited suggestion if its unwelcome, but I was thinking about how the rest of councilrys could be implemented and I came up with a concept for Sana. I was thinking maybe there’d be a gauge that spells out S-A-N-A and the letters could be floating off the ground like the holopoly board. Once you have the letters, you get access to Sana’s limiter, and removing it (using it) decreases your own gravity, but functionally works like an extremely strong banana bounce.

Thank you for the suggestion! That's an interesting idea. I'll write it down!

I probably won't implement it as is, but the concept is interesting.

(1 edit)

Small tip for other players that I've noticed: You get a lot of horizontal momentum from GWAKs (Kronii Boosts) if your momentum upon getting the Kronii Boost is mostly vertical

(edit: made a small mistake, edited it)

Kronii changes your flight angle from mostly horizontal to mostly vertical and viceversa.

It's hard to do, but if you nail a steep dive into Kronii you will get a very nice horizontal boost!

(your comment helped me realize my comment had a small mistake in it, thanks!)


Found out I apparently (if I'm not mistaken) have a better PB than both Kaela and the dev? If that's the case, then I'm formally issuing an open challenge to Kaela to beat my PB.  Also I found a eurobeat remix of BERSERKER to add to the OST if that's of interest.

(Also I noticed how the optional price for the game is 1.16 USD, nice little hidden reference there)

Yes, that was intentional. :)

Suggestion: Add an achievement that, at a certain altitude (think 169.7 m) gives a head accessory of a replica spiral limiter
Achievement name: Eternal
Description: Said hello to a beeg friend
(just an idea I had)

I'll write down your suggestion. Thank you!

(1 edit)

I think this game has a weird bug on the latest version of Microsoft Edge browser, least for me. Noticed it wasn't loading at all for me, so I tried it on incognito mode and noticed something weird, it'll load perfectly fine the first time, but if I refreshed the page and tried loading the game again, it'll say something about failing to load a file from the indexedDB cache checking the console log and refuse to load the game at all.


Interesting... I'll try to reproduce the bug. Thanks for reporting.

For now, please try playing using Chrome or Firefox or get the standalone executable (recommended).

Just updated to latest edge again and it seems to be loading fine now, guess something screwed up on Edge's end that broke it. Thanks for the cool game btw.


Awesome news! I'm glad everything is fine now! :)

I'd love some kind of way to permanently unlock some boosts or maybe currency to start with certain things on a run? I dunno. Maybe I'm just bad at the game and need a bit of help.

Thank you for your suggestion.

I'm working on something similar for the next update. It won't be exactly permanent boost unlocks, but something related to currency that can be used from the start of a run.

Didn't know fusions work in classic mode!

LOL they shouldn't.

Good catch! Adding it to the list of fixes for next update!

When the speed exceeds 100m/s, the game stops.

I played it on internet page.

Thank you for reporting.

Did you happen to hit two holopoly in a row while flying at that speed?

Any other additional information will help identify the possible cause! Thanks!

(1 edit)

In fact, this has happened several times before.

The game immediately stopped when a situation occurred that could exceed 100 m/s.

 I'm not sure, but I think there was a time when the game stopped after hitting Calli

I forgot to take a screenshot. Sorry.

If the same phenomenon occurs next time, I will definitely take a screenshot and upload it.

There's a very minor typo in Baeless mode. One of the sentences is "Boost down charges continously". The last word should be "continuously" instead.

Thanks for reporting! I'll add it to the fixes for the next update! :)

add kobo

Also how do you fuse power ups?


To fuse powerups you will need 2 compatible powerups at the maximum level upgrade (red text). The next time you level up the game will prompt you to fuse them.

Keep in mind not all powerups are compatible with each other!

Thank you very much also this is my favorite game. <3

Here's my best on standard mode


Awesome game! Reminds me of old good times on newgrounds. 

Baelz f*###

Very fun and addict game.I wish an IOS version exist but. We can dream.

Thank you. I'm glad you're having fun playing!

Unfortunately, due to the associated costs, I cannot make and publish an iOS version of the game. :(

I wouldn’t mind if the web version worked on iPhone but it’s not the case… double Sadge.

How do I do the big soda fusion I know I need the double soda but not sure what else I need.

You need extra slots and double soda.


And by the way, this is my best score on Baeless Mode:

(2 edits)

Game breaking (probably) thing I got on the Android version (the latest). Not sure if this was reported before. Anyway, On Baeless Mode I pressed the Kaela Bonk button at the RIGHT moment when the timer went to zero and got this frozen screen. Had to force close the game.


Thank you for your report!

Hmm... this should've been fixed in the last patch. I guess more testing is needed. I'll try to get it fixed in the next update!

Minor bug report:  if you click through the confirmation prompt for rerolling too fast it will give you the powerup and lock your mouse inputs until either the next level up or you lose (only tested with mouse, not sure if it happens on pad)

I'm only able to consistently make it happen with some kind of unnaturally fast clicking method (for example mouse keys, an autoclicker would probably do it too) but I have had it happen several times both by accident and on purpose just with normal mouse clicking, like if I accidentally double click it too fast.


Thank you for the report! I'll write it down to check it for the next patch.

How do I use fusion power ups/How do I get them??

You will need to get 2 compatible powerups to their max level.

Then, the next time you level up you will be able to fuse them.

Somebody posted the full list of valid combinations on twitter using the game hashtag #yeetirys

Have fun!


(1 edit)

For others' (and my) convenience, this is the tweet:


I spotted you in Irys' Little Witch Nobeta stream lmao

She's doing good in that game. :)

Where can I see the list of fusion items?

There isn't one.

I'll add one in version 4.


57.6k... It was  an hour run. Sigh... I really wanted that Bae dakimakura. 

PD: Awesome and fun game :D

If you download the game and accidentally select japanese language, is there a way to change the language to english?

You can select the game language in the settings menu.

Ah thank you! Since I couldn't read the characters I didn't know what they meant.

This is a really fun and addicting game! 

Would you ever consider making a version for mac


Thank you! I'm glad you like my game.

I would love to make a mac version, but it requires a mac computer to build to that platform and I don't own one. Unfortunately, I don't have the budget to buy a mac. :(

(1 edit)

There are some inaccuracies and mistranslations to Bahasa Indonesia in Patch 3.0.2.

In Achievements page (I can't check all translations because I haven't unlocked all of them):

  • [Third Time's the Charm] 
    The Indonesian translation for the achievement name feels wrong, but I'm not aware of any Indonesian equivalent.
  • [Soda Hunter]
    Typo in description: "ke bawah" should have a space.
  • [Hope has Ascended]
    The correct Indonesian translation should be "Harapan telah Naik". The current translation means "Hope has Descended".
  • [Hope Express]
    Typo in title: "Harapan Ekspres" (missing letter "s").
  • [???]
    "Hit Bae 116 times" description is not translated fully. It still uses "Hit Bae 116 kali".
  • [???]
    "Fly longer than 20000m" description is incorrectly translated to "Terbang lebih jauh dari 2000m". There's a missing zero there.
  • [???]
    "Baeless mode: Fly higher than 250m" description is incorrectly translated to "Mode Baeless: Terbang lebih jauh dari 250m". The translation is talking about distance instead of height. The correct translation should use "tinggi" instead of "jauh".

In other pages:

  • [Settings -> Playlist]
    The ID translation seems too strict with the instruction.
    "Jika Anda berencana untuk melakukan streaming, kamu harus mematikan BGM game dan putar musik yang lain untuk menghindari potensi klaim hak cipta."
    "If you are planning to stream, you must turn off the game BGM and play other music to prevent potential copyright claim."
  • [How to Play, 1/3]
    - "kebawah" is missing a space again.
    - "flying up" is translated as "terbang", but the ID translation is less specific. The down boost only works when IRyS is flying upwards (right?), so the translation should say "terbang ke atas" instead.
  • [How to Play, 2/3]
    "Kronii changes flight angle" is incorrectly translated as "Kronii merubah posisi". The latter means "Kronii changes position".
  • [Reroll]
    "Akan mengonsumsi stamina setiap reroll?" means "Will consume stamina every reroll?" which I think sounds weird.
  • [Mumei Countdown powerup]
    "Lowers Mumei's countdown to X" is incorrectly translated to "Menurunkan hitungan Mumei dari X". The latter means "Lowers Mumei's count from X."
  • [Hot Sauce powerup]
    - The name of the power up is "Saus Pedas", but the description uses "Saus Panas".
    - "Boosts IRyS" is translated to "Meningkatkan IRyS". The latter means "Improve IRyS", which is not specific enough.
  • [Kaela Bonk powerup]
    Again, "kebawah" should have a space.
  • [Double Soda powerup]
    The translation uses "terlihat", which is closer to "to be seen" rather than "to appear". I think it's better to use "muncul" instead.

Thank you for the feedback!

Could you DM me on Twitter? I think we can coordinate TL checking better there. :)

Oh no! Did anyone else's save get wiped after update 3.0.2 or is it just me? I don't think I erased any cookies or anything from my browser :(

That's weird. If you're playing on the browser the most you'd lose after an update is the settings (language, volume) which I can't control. But the save with your best distance and achievements should still be there.

(1 edit)

 It was so much fun


Nice run!

cute game

I got pretty good with the dice,charge amount up and big soda. 

nice run!!

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